The Joy of being

Nina is a yoga teacher from Germany that is passionate about exploring every possible way of moving the body. As a former ballet and jazz dancer she started yoga with creatively sequenced Vinyasa flows that challenged the physical body in new ways. With growing curiosity she began to practice different styles of yoga recognizing that there is so much more than the physical. Through yoga Nina learned to live with a kinder heart and the appreciation that life is an opportunity to create everything that serves her purpose. She truly believes that with enough trust and compassion every human beings potential is limitless.
Nina builds a bridge between a disciplined practice that will help to discover the potential that is already within you and a therapeutic approach that allows to merge the physical, emotional and energetic body. Her teaching style is a reflection of her curiosity and thus a blend of various styles and lineages that she has studied and practiced. She prioritizes to hold space for every experience of each individual and to create a sense of community in her classes.

7.30 – 9.00 PM - Advanced Asana
weekly at Balanceyoga Studio
Asana, one of the eight limbs of yoga, is a powerful tool because we learn how to use our physical body in a non-judgmental way. The sensations created in asana practice can truly be a gateway to the mind, to our absolute life force, so to say to our nature and spirit.
In this class we will dive deep into the asana practice which is a combination of the 26 Series from Bishnu Gosh, you may know it as “Bikram Yoga”, and the Ashtanga Primary series from Patthabi Jois.
It is a demanding practice that focuses especially on alignment and breath. It is for everyone who wants to strengthen the physical body in order to bring more focus and clarity to the mind and to everyday life.
6:15 – 7:30 pm - Vinyasa (intermediate)
weekly at IM FREIRAUM
This class combines different styles of yoga such as Power Yoga, Bikram Yoga, Anuttara Vinyasa Yoga and Katonah Yoga and is influenced by movements from pilates and dance. It is a creative and intuitive practice that pursues a dharma (theme) or a peak pose. We will focus on combining breath with movement to surrender fully to the present moment. It is about getting to know yourself a bit better every time in a playful way that brings joy and lightness. Together we explore new movement patterns and all possible kinds of variations that suit your body and your practice.
In the vinyasa class we find balance between sensation and relaxation, discipline and fun, control and acceptance.
weekly at Balanceyoga Studio
TRX Pilates is a functional training method that combines classic pilates movements with mobility and bodyweight training. It is mostly about stability, mobility and especially core strength which is essential for a healthy posture and body. The sling trainer is either used as a helping tool to create more balance and stability or to level up exercises as plank pose, push ups and many more.
In TRX pilates you can scale every movement which makes it approachable for every fitness level.
One on one private session
„Yoga with Nina feels like an energy kick. With her guidance i was able to do asanas that i never knew i could. She helped me to discover my potential and to get more confident on the mat and in my life which made me grow physically and mentally. I am really grateful for her teachings.“
„Nina teaches with passion and dedication. It is rare that classes challenge and encourage me on so many levels. I feel seen in every class. I love the combination of creativity and ease and the mindful approach in challenging asanas that often make me confront my ego. Thank you for creating that healing space and for reminding me why yoga means so much in my life.“
„Nina’s Power und Leidenschaft für eine vielseitige und herausfordernde Praxis sind sofort zu spüren. Ihre Stunden sind kraftvoll, motivierend und inspirierend! Sie sucht den persönlichen Kontakt mit jedem Einzelnen und gibt individuelle Ansagen und viele Adjustments. Sie behält immer die ganze Gruppe im Blick und ist so präsent im Raum, dass ich mich der Praxis völlig hingeben kann. Sie schafft eine Community.“
„Ich bin sehr dankbar, dass Nina mein Yoga-Leben bereichert: ihre Energie und Stärke, ihre Weisheit und ihr Sanftmut sind wie ein tragender Rückenwind während der Praxis. Ich liebe ihren Rhythmus, Präzision und das immer wieder überraschend neue und herausfordernde ihrer Yoga-Art. Ich fühle mich flexibler, kräftiger und fest im Hier und Jetzt verankert, it’s pure joy! Auch wenn ein Handtuch empfehlenswert ist.“
„Wenn man zu Nina in die Yoga Klasse kommt, merkt man sofort mit welcher Leidenschaft sie Yoga-Lehrerin ist. Sie fordert mich und bringt mich an meine Grenzen. Nina ist es wichtig, dass sich ihre Schüler weiterentwickeln. Deshalb achtet sie sehr auf Ausrichtung und korrigiert passend. Ich gehe immer wieder gern zu Nina und bin froh, dass ich sie als so engagierte Lehrerin habe.“
Reach out to me at any time with any request